Many Ways to One

by Mariam Alshatti

Hello with love from my soul to yours,

‘Who am I? What is my way to One?’

Each one has a way, or many ways. What’s important is to ask one’s own heart: what is my unique way?

It is a relationship between two. A relationship that is created and sustained, becoming deeper day by day. It requires love, consistency, time and attention. This relationship with One differs in the eye of each one. So my Way, or other people’s Way may not necessarily be your Way. For example, your relationship and my relationship with the same human being could be so different. So, imagine how magically unique one’s relationship could be with One. It’s deep and unlimited.

When we answer the first question of ‘Who am I’, the real I, we can experience our natural divine qualities. Then, a way to One can be easily established. A line of connection. Being To Being. Anything we ‘do’ in the external world, first starts with the ‘being’. The everpresent witness. The easy part of finding Ways to One is that... it’s only a single thought away. An intentional thought. It just takes a second.

Here is a list of some of My Doings that can sustain the intentional thought of Being; to experience a connection with One:

- Meditation

- Prayer

- Studying / listening to knowledge and wisdom

- Dance in all forms

- Art

- Writing & Poetry

- Music & Playing instruments

- Singing

- Heart conversations

- Silence

- Finding and looking at the moon

- Yoga

- Cooking with love

- Service & Volunteering

- Connecting eye to eye, soul to soul with others

- Being in nature

- Sitting in front of a fire

- Drinking tea

- Creating an altar

- Admiring flowers

- Tatreez, crochet & embroidery

- Gardening

- Card decks

- Creating!!!

The list goes on and is unique to each one.

Each one can be experienced deeply. To me personally, meditation is a personal, daily practice. It’s open eye meditation, which makes it quite practical to walk through life. A lens with the awareness of the Self as the observer. In this Way to One and With One, I can live in a present state of reality, in deep trust and acceptance, seeing it all as sacred. Each moment.

Another Way could be, while we are in conscious remembrance of One, walking outside and exchanging smiles to those we meet... seeing where conversations lead.

I’ll share a short story about some of my first

internal ways to One:

I was at my first Silence Retreat in a forest in Australia for 5 days in 2015. No eye contact, or words; simply being with oneself, around nature. My intention at the time was to experience different relationships with One. Each day, I would focus on one relationship; so five in total. The Father, Mother, Teacher, Friend, and Guide. I was thinking about the qualities of each for the whole day, and conversing internally. With determination of thought, I got to experience beautiful feelings and a deep connection with One. It expanded and softened our relationship. I resonated with the love of the Mother a lot. How we can constantly keep an open heart, and return to love always.

Moral of the story: Each one has a Way. Many Ways to One can be experimented with, and experienced within oneself. The expression begins after the intention. An intention is the start of it all, and it’s all that matters. More and more these days, I believe that it's all about intention. In Kuwait, we call it Al Niyyah. It stems from the heart. So, while having deep roots in the earth with our love, truth & knowing, the tree of our mind and body is strong. It can sway yet be stable.

Many blessings and love from my heart to yours,

May you find your beautiful, unique Way,

- Mariam Alshatti


Trusting in Love: A Journey of Longing & Surrender