Trusting in Love: A Journey of Longing & Surrender

reflections by Luna

This love, these states, this yearning for what always seems unattainable, for something I can't quite understand.

I want to break free of this skin that miraculously contains that which can't be contained. This love seeks to spill out of my miserable heart; this miserable heart can barely contain these states.

Amongst all the drama, the confusion, the blundering within the complexities of human relations.

A longing so strong it burns. May it burn away all that isn’t Hakk. May it soften my heart into loving without expecting anything in return. May it teach me to love for Love itself, for the tenderness of human hearts can only be discovered, appreciated, and held with Love.

In those moments when all I think I can do, I’ve done, when all my resources are exhausted, when I’ve had enough of the illusion that I’m the one in power, in control.

When I can finally surrender to Your will and beg for Grace to take the wheel.

When I remember that I am not the doer, when my heart is crushed with immense grief, and I pray with utter sincerity because I do not know or see the way out… Ya Allah.

When the tears wash away the attachments, the heart expands, and a gentle shower of rahmet and gratitude washes over me…

In those moments, there’s nothing left to do… except perhaps, thank.

It all comes back to the same point: trust.

Trust, just trust.

Trust that the bigger picture is always forming in the most perfectly perfect way possible. That the flow of beauty is constant, and that things are working in the best way they can. Trust that I am protected, loved, cherished, and so warmly embraced. Trust that patience is being taught through every experience I’m presented with, that patience is a virtue like no other, and that it’ll pay off. Trust that Love is indeed the answer, that the process is so illogically beautiful and complete my mind cannot even fathom. Trust that trust is enough.

Thank You.




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